For authors
The Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica (AUC Iuridica): Charles University Law Review is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal, one of the leading academic law journals in the Czech Republic. It aims to publish original articles from all fields of Czech, European and international law, as well as the theory of law (jurisprudence). The AUC Iuridica is open for authors, including PhD. candidates, from Czech and foreign universities and other institutions.
1. Any manuscript submitted to peer review has to be an original paper, not published or accepted for publication by another journal or another publisher. An exception is made for conference papers published only at the website of the conference, and for not published master, doctoral or habilitation theses.
2. All manuscripts should be submitted in an electronic version to the below mentioned e-mail address of the Editorial Office (an online editorial management system is under preparation).
3. Any manuscript is to be numbered and structured into chapters and paragraphs, possibly with subheadings. It has to be written using any of the commonly used versions of MS Word.
4. Footnotes are to be numbered throughout the manuscript. Citations should be done according to the usual citation style of the journal.
5. In the journal will be published only manuscripts with a maximum length of 30 standard pages, including footnotes (1 standard page = 1800 characters, including spaces) . Accepted text formats: *.doc, *.docx. All articles have to be submitted with the following attachments: key words (max. 6) and abstract in English (max. 15 lines or 200 words). In case of an article in other than Czech (or Slovak) language, an abstract in Czech has to be submitted. The abstract should include the title of the article, name(s) of the author and his/her institutional affiliation, e-mail and a short characterization of the article.
6. Tables shall be designed by the installed MS Word table editor. Use simple formatting (black colour, single line-type, text formating), and do not use any shading or multiple line-types. Add special requirements into the email together with the submitted manuscript. Place the table in the manuscript or submit it in a separate file and refer to the spot in the text where it shall be inserted e.g. in a way <<Tab1.doc>>. Submit tables designed in MS Excel editor in separeated files.
Image documentation shall be submitted in electronic form in a separate file. Required formats and definition for image materials in electronic form (submit image materials without compression):
– line-drawings (line-drawing pictures, e.g. graphs, diagrams, schemes, et al..): format *.pdf, *.eps; definition 1200 dpi (when sized 1 : 1);
– autotype (halftone pictures, e.g. photographs, et al.): format *.jpg, *.tiff, *.pdf, *.eps; definition 300 dpi (when sized 1 : 1).
Never insert pictures into the text (by doing so MS Word will irreversibly qualitatively degrade); name electronic files uniformly (Pic1.tif, Pic2.tif, etc.) and just mark the spots where pictures should be placed in the printed version of the text.
Graphs shall be created either in MS Word/Excel editors (in black and white) or in vector format (*.pdf, *.eps). When submitting graphs in Excel full data is needed, e.g. graphs downloaded from the Internet are not sufficient for publication. Submit graphs in separate files (e.g. Graf1.doc, Graf1.xls) and refer to the spot in the text where it should be inserted, e.g. in a way <>. After agreement it is possible to submit a graph in the format of a picture in sufficient definition.
Tables, pictures and graphs will be printed in black and white.
7. A manuscript that does not comply with the formal requirements cannot be accepted for publication.
8. All correspondence is to be addressed to the Editorial Office of AUC Iuridica, Charles University, Faculty of Law, nám. Curieových 7, CZ-11640 Praha 1, or its e-mail address: Please make sure to provide your contact details.
Peer Review
Submitted manuscripts are subject to peer review (external, double blind). The author will be informed about the results (accepted, refused or returned for modifications).
Open Access Statement
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access, available at
Content License
The journal applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License to articles and other works we publish. If you submit your paper for publication by AUC Iuridica, you agree to have the CC BY license applied to your work. The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
Publication Fees
There are no author fees or charges required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in the journal.